To celebrate the release of LyX 1.6.6, I thought I’d upload an Oxford Thesis Template for mathematics/physics/engineering, based on K. Gillow’s excellent LaTeX class. While it’s tailored to Oxford, with a few modifications I’m sure it could be used for any thesis.
To get it working, you’ll have to copy the ociamthesis-lyx.cls into your TeX installation, and copy the ociamthesis-lyx.layout to your LyX layout directory. Have a read of the readme.txt for further instructions. Finally, here’s an example PDF.
Update (May 2011): I have moved the files over to Github, to open it up to the world a little!
Note: Some people have had issues with the \maketitle, which comes about due to something to do with graphics in child documents. It can be fixed by adding the line
to the preamble (go to the menu document > settings > LaTeX preamble).